sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010

Pathway to glory.

He's a man in his glory a boy in his dreams
And he's living his life in between
Tomorrow will answer yesterdays Dreams
While today he is living in between

Beware oh brother beware don't you listen to the words
(The tender lies)
Beware oh brother beware don't you listen to the words

He rejoices in wedlock with a lover unseen
And he's living his life in between
He thinks of the sorrow his conscience will bring
And he's living his life in between

Beware oh brother beware don't you listen to the words
The tender lies
Beware oh brother beware don't you listen to the words


He measures his wisdom from sorrow he leaves
He's living his life in between
The pathway to glory is a long road it seems
And he's living his life in between

Beware oh brother beware don't you listen to the words
(The tender lies)
Beware oh brother beware don't you listen to the words

Letra y música: Loggins & Messina."Pathway To Glory" Tomada del disco "Full Sail". 1973.

3 comentarios:

  1. Como diria una amiga !Que fuerte!, y que real.
    Que tengas buen fin de semana.

  2. Ah, y por supuesto, no se quienes son!

  3. Son un duo de los 70, muy populares entonces y obviamente desconocidos en la radio cubana, como solía suceder con todo el rock anglosajón por aquellos años, esta canción es del 73, los conocí en el 81, más o menos , cuando ya no existian como grupo, por esa época un LP llegó a mi casa de manos de mi hermano y alli quedó. Quizás el nombre de Kenny Loggins te diga algo, fue también popular como solista y de esa época , diria que finales de los 80, si se pusieron cosas en Cuba. Buen fin de semana.


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